Holy Rosary is a community of believers centered in Jesus Christ and rooted in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. We are a people who celebrate the presence of God among us in Word and Sacrament. Deriving our strength from the Eucharist, we are committed to the following:
+ Preaching the gospel by word and example.
+ Educating members of our Parish community, especially the young, in the Catholic Faith.
+ Providing welcome, comfort and support to the vulnerable among us, especially the poor.
+ Creating a spirit of evangelization in the community, encouraging newcomers to Belong and those who may be alienated to feel welcome.
Dear Webrowser:
Welcome to our Parish website! We are a vibrant Catholic community of Faith and Fellowship located in the South Beach section of Staten Island near the Verrazano Bridge. Our Parish membership consists of many ethnic and racial traditions. We celebrate Sunday Mass in English and Chinese (Mandarin).
We are fortunate to have Father Andrew Ilegbemi (Staten Island Hospital Chaplain), Father Erno Diaz (Retired) and Father Guozhang Ruan (Chinese Apostolate) in residence.
Do not hesitate to call upon us! Welcome !!!!!
Faithfully in Our Lord and Our Lady,
Father Michael Martine JCL, KCHS